Friday, May 27, 2011

Gang Couponing in MIssissippi

We thought we heard it all when it came to extreme coupononers contributing to hoarding behaviors, well, it just got taken to a new level.

Apparently the new craze is Gang Couponing. Really? Yep!

They are attacking the store upon opening on Sunday, kids in tow, pressuring the staff to get their deals done so that they can make it to Church. Have these people ever heard of Gluttony? I guess their sinful behavior is forgiven when they sit in the pew.

Several couponers will get together and lay out the attack plan for "free" items, you know why, because they are FREE! These people are buying things they don't need. They are hoarding items for storage while others go for wanting.

They even will try to use coupons when the coupon is not intended for a product because, in their mind, they just want stuff for free. A manager at a local Walgreens shared this story which, in our opinion, constitutes fraud. A woman wanted to use a coupon on a similar product to what was featured on the coupon in order to get the sale item for free. When it didn't work the first time, she argued with the manager, then in an determined effort to succeed, tried to pass the coupon AGAIN with another member of the coupon gang. While the first attempt is certainly a learning experience, the deliberate attempt to pass the coupon again with full knowledge that the coupon was not valid on the product is fraud. The manager was aware of this as well and of the same opinion.

The manager also shared the belief that the gang is reselling their haul.

We will see what happens with these coupon gangs. Their behaviors are just as bad as the extreme 70 mustard couponers and it appears their behaviors are bordering on criminal. Retailers are sick and tired of telling regular customers who spend their hard earned money on a sale item, "Sorry, a gang of couponers cleaned out the store before anyone else got a chance to buy them."

Extreme couponing has led to gang type behavior where the only end is to hoard and behave in a gluttonous manner.

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