No free coupon here. But, if you are looking for one, read through the entire post, we will share with you how we recieved it and you will be prepared when it is available again.
Store this one under: USE FACEBOOK for coupons. Being friendly and liking Consumer Product Companies is a good thing and it might just score you free products.
So, if you are like us, you wondered, do they really send you free stuff in the mail if you ask for it?
Here with Modern Family Savings we are about DOING what we post.....
We are not like those others out there scraping others sites spamming the same deals over and over and over again. In fact, we just post the links on the deals out there from others that have a boat-load more time than us and frankly can do a better job than us - for now.
The answer to that question is yes. I went out today to get my snail-mail (who doesn't Love getting mail in a box) and guess what was waiting for me? A coupon for Free on ANY Suave Hair product. I have to say I was surprised because I always thought that it was too much trouble to sign up for stuff because of spam in the email box, questionnaires, annoying emails, etc. Nope. I have gotten maybe two emails since I signed up.
I want you to know I have never received anything in my email box that I have signed up for with a Major Consumer Products company that wasn't of HIGH VALUE.
They get it. If you are entrusting them with your personal email they are willing to let you benefit from their products, new products and especially feedback. There was no feedback with this coupon, it was just a thank you for signing up.
Can't beat free right? Well in this case we already have plenty of shampoo for the kiddos and it doesn't expire for a while so we are going to save this one to see if we can pair it up with a Buy One Get One offer and get Shampoo and Conditioner for free.
Always think ahead. Don't hoard items at the expense of your space and money. In this case, we will be patient and wait.
And to let you know how we got our hands on this nifty coupon, we got it on Facebook. I will tell you that those coupons go FAST on Facebook. They offered 200,000 of these initially so we had a high likelihood of getting it because it was emailed to our inbox. Being a member pays!
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