Our policy is you are welcome to use our content as long as source credit is given. Since this content was originally published as a photo of the Official Kroger Delta Coupon Policy that we took and the reprinting of the offline content was first published here, we would appreciate some notice.
Well, I wondered when someone was going to "borrow" our content.
Below are two links to Copyscape.com, a site that can evaluate your content and give you insight into who "borrowed" it. In this case, no source credit was given. There were only two sites.
Normally, if a blogger "borrows" content a link back to the original source is provided.
Here are the two examples using Copyscape. I hope credit is eventually provided.
It looks like the post was originally posted on May 12, 2011.
Not July 18, 2011 when the content showed up on Copyscape.
Here is the original link.
For the record
Link 1 was a comment posted on June 10, 2011 - if this is a problem, please credit the comment with a link
Link 2 was a post on July 11, 2011
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