Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Couponing at any Cost | If variety included....

We have seen a lot of popular coupon sites out there featuring coupons with products the coupons were not intended for. And couponers are hanging on every deal these questionable deals present.

We heard of a local couple couponing in our local Kroger. Unfortunately, they were subscribing to the practices of the sites promoting (If variety included....) attempts to use coupons with products they were not intended for; we feel this is incorrect information to publish to the coupon community. The couponers left a very bitter taste in the mouth of the store and especially the manager who had to be called at home because these couponers wanted to argue. Below is an example of what we are talking about....

Suave Shampoo or Conditioner, 22.5 oz $0.79
Use B1G1 Free Suave Professionals Dry Shampoo or Styling from RP 8/14 if this variety is included
Or $0.50/2 – Suave Professionals Shampoo or Conditioner – (makinglifebetter.com) if this variety is included
Or $0.50/2 Suave Men’s Hair Products from RP 8/14 if this variety is included
Or $0.50/2 Suave Kid’s Shampoo or Conditioner from RP 8/14 if this variety is included
Final Price:  As low as $0.40 each when you buy 2

The example featured Suave Shampoo which is on sale at Kroger this week. Every coupon they recommended was not for the variety in the store, they have the circular in advance, they were attempting to use the Suave Professionals coupon to get it free. This, in our minds is fraudulent use and should not be done.

Retailers are becoming wise to this and manufacturers will eventually change the coupons to reflect statements like "not valid on a product under $1.00" or "use of coupon for unintended product may constitute fraud."

Folks, this is pretty serious and until people realize that you ONLY use a coupon on the item intended for, we are probably going to see someone get in trouble. Time will tell.

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