We thought we heard it all when it came to extreme coupononers contributing to hoarding behaviors, well, it just got taken to a new level.
Apparently the new craze is Gang Couponing. Really? Yep!
They are attacking the store upon opening on Sunday, kids in tow, pressuring the staff to get their deals done so that they can make it to Church. Have these people ever heard of Gluttony? I guess their sinful behavior is forgiven when they sit in the pew.
Several couponers will get together and lay out the attack plan for "free" items, you know why, because they are FREE! These people are buying things they don't need. They are hoarding items for storage while others go for wanting.
They even will try to use coupons when the coupon is not intended for a product because, in their mind, they just want stuff for free. A manager at a local Walgreens shared this story which, in our opinion, constitutes fraud. A woman wanted to use a coupon on a similar product to what was featured on the coupon in order to get the sale item for free. When it didn't work the first time, she argued with the manager, then in an determined effort to succeed, tried to pass the coupon AGAIN with another member of the coupon gang. While the first attempt is certainly a learning experience, the deliberate attempt to pass the coupon again with full knowledge that the coupon was not valid on the product is fraud. The manager was aware of this as well and of the same opinion.
The manager also shared the belief that the gang is reselling their haul.
We will see what happens with these coupon gangs. Their behaviors are just as bad as the extreme 70 mustard couponers and it appears their behaviors are bordering on criminal. Retailers are sick and tired of telling regular customers who spend their hard earned money on a sale item, "Sorry, a gang of couponers cleaned out the store before anyone else got a chance to buy them."
Extreme couponing has led to gang type behavior where the only end is to hoard and behave in a gluttonous manner.
Friday, May 27, 2011
Monday, May 23, 2011
Publix Coupon Changes | Extreme Couponer's Fear
We recently engaged in a discussion about an extreme couponer blaming the retailer. We claimed it was their behavior that caused any perceived changes as negative and their sudden about-face about extreme couponing appeared contrived.
Here is the end result....Please tell me why they feared it.
The fears that extreme couponers raise about retailers are attempts to get the community into an uproar. Don't believe the hype.
Words of advice: believe half of what you see and none of what you hear. Folks like you, like us who are focused on saving money monthly while raising kids and not deriving ad payments from your clicking behavior (BTW NO ADS HERE!) are having a ball watching the industry change.
Here is the end result....Please tell me why they feared it.
The fears that extreme couponers raise about retailers are attempts to get the community into an uproar. Don't believe the hype.
Words of advice: believe half of what you see and none of what you hear. Folks like you, like us who are focused on saving money monthly while raising kids and not deriving ad payments from your clicking behavior (BTW NO ADS HERE!) are having a ball watching the industry change.
Extreme Coupon Hoarders Blame Retailers for Their Behavior
Extreme couponing is all the rage; actually, it is causing a lot of rage. Retailers are losing, couponers are losing, manufacturers are losing; and extreme couponers are claiming "it's not our fault" or "we are not extreme" or "we have ethics, we have integrity"...blah, blah, blah.
$1.00 off Listerine Mouthwash Coupon
Here are some recent online coupons for you to consider downloading. I scrubbed out the crap coupons and have posted those that are most applicable to trying to realize savings in our normal lives. No extreme coupons going on here, just normal, laid-back, lets save some money!
Saturday, May 21, 2011
Online Couponing and Reality
So you have taken the time to read the coupon sites that promote extreme behavior rather than promoting balance.
You tried to do their deals and they wound up putting you in an awkward position with the stores you are trying to get something for free. Do yourself a favor. Nothing is free. It may appear free, but the extreme couponers will not tell you this. They will not let you know you have to live on samples, trial sizes, little things.
Smart Families know that the important items in life are not free, but they also know that it takes work to realize savings that make those items "affordable."
Couponing is difficult. It takes time. We continue to enjoy your feedback. And....
For those who joined us out of the gate.....we really appreciate you joining us, we think about our family every day and continue to bring you bits of wisdom in advance of changing this crazy coupon bloggers environment.
The coupon bloggers will wonder why, we will give them the what.
You tried to do their deals and they wound up putting you in an awkward position with the stores you are trying to get something for free. Do yourself a favor. Nothing is free. It may appear free, but the extreme couponers will not tell you this. They will not let you know you have to live on samples, trial sizes, little things.
Smart Families know that the important items in life are not free, but they also know that it takes work to realize savings that make those items "affordable."
Couponing is difficult. It takes time. We continue to enjoy your feedback. And....
For those who joined us out of the gate.....we really appreciate you joining us, we think about our family every day and continue to bring you bits of wisdom in advance of changing this crazy coupon bloggers environment.
The coupon bloggers will wonder why, we will give them the what.
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Walmart May 2011 Deals
Here are this weeks coupon deals for the week of 5/17 – 5/24/2011
Make sure to check pricing at your local Walmart and to check your local circular to see what Walmart Match Deals apply. For those actually reading this, the Nathan's Famous Hot Dog deal is still in the Kroger circular and is still $3.88 at Walmart.
Adams Flea and Tick Mist, 16oz $9.34
$1.00/1 – Adams Flea and Tick Product, Excluding Collar – (adamsfleacontrol.com)
Final Price: $8.34
$1.00/1 – Adams Flea and Tick Product, Excluding Collar – (adamsfleacontrol.com)
Final Price: $8.34
Bob Evans Refridgerated Potatos, 24oz $2.98
B1G1 FREE – Bob Evans Side Dish – (facebook.com)
Final Price: $1.49 each when you buy 2
B1G1 FREE – Bob Evans Side Dish – (facebook.com)
Final Price: $1.49 each when you buy 2
Monday, May 16, 2011
Buy one OFF!® Clip-On™ Mosquito Repellent, get one FREE!*

*Up to $10.00 value. This offer is redeemable only within the U.S
Check it out by clicking here. Off! is offering a $10 off coupon when you share your basic info.
If you live in the South, you know its a very valuable veritas (go ahead and google it).
Take a look here at this link. This is NOT a paid ad. I'm was just searching and came across it. Here is the ad below:
OFF!® Clip-On™ Mosquito Repellent is the repellent you don’t spray on!
- Each refill provides up to 12 hours of head-to-toe mosquito protection.**
- Its fan circulates effective, odorless repellent all around you.
- Clip it on or set it next to you.
- Use when relaxing in your backyard, at the beach, at the park, gardening, camping or watching sports.
**Use each refill within 14 days of opening.
Sunday, May 15, 2011
Issue with Extreme Couponing | Buying What You Need
Let me begin with people who are challenged by Diabetes struggle every day and with every food they consumer, every exercise activity they miss. I know. My mother and my wife are diabetic.
Both check their blood regularly and at times if they do not have their monitor with them, they may have to stop in to a drug store to buy a monitor.
If, by publishing this, the extreme couponers intentions are to bring about awareness of the availability of a Free Glucose Monitor, I would not have issue.
The only problem is, the posting below shows exactly the mentality. The post was posted in the Walgreens preview that featured the hottest deals. It did not feature a help out a diabetic friend by alerting them to this deal, it just put it out there with no comment other than "Free".
We all know what is going to happen. The extreme coupon crowd will be out buying Glucose Monitors across multiple transactions, rolling their dollars until they have all the monitors in the store. This behavior can also lead to a stock-out on a product that people rely on in an emergency.
So, in the spirit of trying to help out folks who suffer from Diabetes, this is a great deal for you to purchase and place an extra monitor in the car in case of emergency.
If you do not struggle with Diabetes, please do not go out and, acting like an extreme hoarder, clear the shelf. Someone's life might depend upon that "Free" stockpile of Glucose Monitors you have in your cupboard.
If you have Diabetes, check out Walgreens this week!
Nova Max Plus Blood Glucose Monitor $10.00
Buy 1, Receive $10.00 Register Reward, Limit 1
Final Price: Free
Both check their blood regularly and at times if they do not have their monitor with them, they may have to stop in to a drug store to buy a monitor.
If, by publishing this, the extreme couponers intentions are to bring about awareness of the availability of a Free Glucose Monitor, I would not have issue.
The only problem is, the posting below shows exactly the mentality. The post was posted in the Walgreens preview that featured the hottest deals. It did not feature a help out a diabetic friend by alerting them to this deal, it just put it out there with no comment other than "Free".
We all know what is going to happen. The extreme coupon crowd will be out buying Glucose Monitors across multiple transactions, rolling their dollars until they have all the monitors in the store. This behavior can also lead to a stock-out on a product that people rely on in an emergency.
So, in the spirit of trying to help out folks who suffer from Diabetes, this is a great deal for you to purchase and place an extra monitor in the car in case of emergency.
If you do not struggle with Diabetes, please do not go out and, acting like an extreme hoarder, clear the shelf. Someone's life might depend upon that "Free" stockpile of Glucose Monitors you have in your cupboard.
If you have Diabetes, check out Walgreens this week!
Nova Max Plus Blood Glucose Monitor $10.00
Buy 1, Receive $10.00 Register Reward, Limit 1
Final Price: Free
Friday, May 13, 2011
Nathan's Famous Hot Dogs Grocery Deal May 2011 Again!!!
Kroger Delta Stores basically re-released their offer of Buy One Get One Free on Nathan's Famous Hot Dogs. We don't have the price at Walmart currently, but will be updating the post once we do have the Flowood pricing.
To take advantage of this great deal, you will need to do the following:
To take advantage of this great deal, you will need to do the following:
Thursday, May 12, 2011
Seattle's Best Coffee | $2 Off Coupon May 2011

Unfortunately we only had a $1 off coupon that we snagged off a grocery aisle a while back.
We have always been fans of Seattle's Best and continue to this day.
As FYI, we mostly drink Cups brand coffee supporting our local business, but in a pinch we almost always land on Seattle's Best to fill the gaps!
You have to first "Like" Seattle's Best Coffee.
Once you like them, go to their "Wall". There is a posting there for coupons.com coupon.
Here is the post from their wall as information:
Today we celebrate reaching 50,000 places where you can get a fresh cup of Seattle’s Best Coffee! As a token of thanks to our fans, we’re giving out 50,000 coupons for $2 off our Levels coffee.They are only giving away 50,000 of these coupons. Get one or two before they are gone.
Click here to Go to Facebook and like Seattle's Best Coffee.
Kroger Delta Coupon Policy | Mississippi (MS) 2011
We had the chance to meet up with some of the Delta Region management at our Spillway Store located out at the Reservoir in Brandon, MS this past weekend. Understand this is posted in the store as their Official Coupon Policy for Kroger Delta.
They informed us of the "new" Official Kroger Delta Coupon Policy and we were able to take a picture of the policy posted in the store.
To start, this is squarely aimed at Grocery coupons, Internet coupons, and (as they told me) coupon fraud. We were informed that people were copying coupons and they were trying to curb it. They felt behaviors like the ones they described is common amongst hoarding extreme couponers who have left the reservation and believe that fraud is OK when clearing a shelf. They did not feel that people like us who are doing their regular shopping and couponing were really going to be affected. I agree.
Below is the picture we took and the coupon policy translated into text for you to share.
They informed us of the "new" Official Kroger Delta Coupon Policy and we were able to take a picture of the policy posted in the store.
To start, this is squarely aimed at Grocery coupons, Internet coupons, and (as they told me) coupon fraud. We were informed that people were copying coupons and they were trying to curb it. They felt behaviors like the ones they described is common amongst hoarding extreme couponers who have left the reservation and believe that fraud is OK when clearing a shelf. They did not feel that people like us who are doing their regular shopping and couponing were really going to be affected. I agree.
Below is the picture we took and the coupon policy translated into text for you to share.
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Fear Among the Giants | Tilting at Windmills
Well it was only a matter of time until the crazy lunatics adopted our rational approach to life. We wondered when they would show their real face. Apparently now they are concerned with your personal life and not your click behavior. How many ads do they have on their home page? How many ads do you click through and sign-up for? Did you ever wonder? Do you want to know?
Extreme or crazy couponing is just that; extreme, crazy and it is a hoarding behavior. We still, lulz, don't agree with it. It looks like they might not either.
One can imagine that it all started as "we wanted to save money", but as we have all seen on TLC, it is about money for those that are demonstrating hoarding behavior.
It's alright, we are all secure in knowing what we know. We can just go back and read the reality of the "change of heart" and see the real face that is "Oz." Meaning, their past posts demonstrate the path they intended and took. We are cool about it, we just like to help. If we make a buck, we've never made more than ten dollars in a week on the ad schemes, we are happy.
We are done editorializing about that. Thanks Forrest!
We are continuing to work diligently on the new space. I'm very pleased to say we have simplified it for the normal person, i.e. you don't have to be crazy to coupon with us, you just have to want to realize the savings that you can. We are happy to share the knowledge. And, given the group we are bringing, it should be very exciting.
Big names are on the horizon, some you have heard of, some well, you do know about them on the radio - wink California. 100% Guaranteed products from Industry leaders. A place where you don't have to feel bad about doing right for your family. Subscriptions that mean something to you AND your family, not just a website hocking recycled goods.
Join us.
Extreme or crazy couponing is just that; extreme, crazy and it is a hoarding behavior. We still, lulz, don't agree with it. It looks like they might not either.
One can imagine that it all started as "we wanted to save money", but as we have all seen on TLC, it is about money for those that are demonstrating hoarding behavior.
It's alright, we are all secure in knowing what we know. We can just go back and read the reality of the "change of heart" and see the real face that is "Oz." Meaning, their past posts demonstrate the path they intended and took. We are cool about it, we just like to help. If we make a buck, we've never made more than ten dollars in a week on the ad schemes, we are happy.
We are done editorializing about that. Thanks Forrest!
We are continuing to work diligently on the new space. I'm very pleased to say we have simplified it for the normal person, i.e. you don't have to be crazy to coupon with us, you just have to want to realize the savings that you can. We are happy to share the knowledge. And, given the group we are bringing, it should be very exciting.
Big names are on the horizon, some you have heard of, some well, you do know about them on the radio - wink California. 100% Guaranteed products from Industry leaders. A place where you don't have to feel bad about doing right for your family. Subscriptions that mean something to you AND your family, not just a website hocking recycled goods.
Join us.
Monday, May 9, 2011
Hellman's Mayonnaise Coupon | $1 off from coupons.com
Hey Gang! If you are like us, you like mayonnaise and not just any mayonnaise but Hellmans Mayonnaise Coupon.
Given our household we always have at least three jars. One in the fridge and two over in the pantry. We are always having sandwiches for all the neighborhood kids, weekly school lunchs, BLT's (Favorite) and given summer is approaching - potato salad and deviled eggs are on order.
Click here to be taken to the coupons.com link to download your coupon.
We actually just went out and bought the squeezable product for going out on the boat and picnics. Wish we had found this coupon sooner.
Look for more high-value everyday items coming soon.
Given our household we always have at least three jars. One in the fridge and two over in the pantry. We are always having sandwiches for all the neighborhood kids, weekly school lunchs, BLT's (Favorite) and given summer is approaching - potato salad and deviled eggs are on order.
Click here to be taken to the coupons.com link to download your coupon.
We actually just went out and bought the squeezable product for going out on the boat and picnics. Wish we had found this coupon sooner.
Look for more high-value everyday items coming soon.
Friday, May 6, 2011
Pepsi Pops at the Reservoir | May 2011 Ridgeland, MS
As most of you know we live out at the Reservoir and tonight we are extra-excited about Pepsi Pops being hosted on the lake in Ridgeland, MS.
We have our boat (borrowed) ready and we plan on having a great time tonight with fireworks, maybe some vino, classical music and good food. Words of warning: test everything out on the boat, especially your lights because it will be crowded on the water and you must have running lights after dusk.
If you don't have a boat, you can head to the park and listen. Advice: get there early, it is always packed.
Here are the details below. Enjoy!
Mississippi Symphony Orchestra 30th Anniversary @ Pepsi Pops
Fusion Razor Coupon @ Walgreens | Manly Deal
This deal is still available through the end of the week. This is a great starter purchase for Walgreens to build up your Register Rewards to roll into next week.
We were out at our local Walgreens Sunday 5/1/11 to pick up a great ModernMan package. Both of these items are great items for any man, especially the Fusion Proglide Razor!
You are going to purchase the following:
Spend total will be $12.88 (without tax)
Less the coupon you total out of pocket will be $8.88
You will receive back $7.00 in Register Rewards (Save These - roll into another deal on things you need)
Net Price will be $1.88 for both items
We were out at our local Walgreens Sunday 5/1/11 to pick up a great ModernMan package. Both of these items are great items for any man, especially the Fusion Proglide Razor!
You are going to purchase the following:
- One Gillette Fusion Proglide Razor @ $9.89 with $5.00 Register Rewards (RR) back to you
- One Right Guard Total Defense 5 (any) @ $2.99 with $2.00 RR
- One $4.00 off Gillette Fusion coupon from the P&G Saver in 5/1/11 newspaper
- One $1.00 off Right Guard coupon (pull coupon from Kroger - you might not have)
Spend total will be $12.88 (without tax)
Less the coupon you total out of pocket will be $8.88
You will receive back $7.00 in Register Rewards (Save These - roll into another deal on things you need)
Net Price will be $1.88 for both items
Thursday, May 5, 2011
Rico Suave' | Free Suave from Suave

No free coupon here. But, if you are looking for one, read through the entire post, we will share with you how we recieved it and you will be prepared when it is available again.
Store this one under: USE FACEBOOK for coupons. Being friendly and liking Consumer Product Companies is a good thing and it might just score you free products.
So, if you are like us, you wondered, do they really send you free stuff in the mail if you ask for it?
Here with Modern Family Savings we are about DOING what we post.....
Coupon Product Review | Luster 7 Toothpaste

We were able to purchase this product for free at Walgreens using coupons and our Register Rewards. Woooohooo!
My teeth have whitened up tremendously!
Upon first use it will taste a little weird, probably because of the hydrogen peroxide in it. I got used to it and actually liked it because it also is a great palette cleaner. Food tastes better - go figure.
There are a couple downsides....
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Product Review | A Couponer Actually Uses the Product
I coupon and actually use the products I buy. I don't put them in a closet and accumulate things I don't need. With that said, I love body wash!
Before we started couponing I have never, ever used body wash. Well, there was a great deal at Walgreens that resulted in my first purchase of body wash of a brand I have always enjoyed, Irish Spring.
The body wash was fantastic! I would put a little bit on my scrub brush and clean up nicely. Now you are thinking "isn't it just like any other soap?"
Coupon Integrity | Do's and Don'ts
It has been fun watching the "Extreme Couponers" try to reposition themselves with claims of turning down an invitation to be on the TLC show, or claiming that those free items they sell at garage sales benefit them with trips, or, quite frankly, are wishy-washy about what their mission is. When I say wishy-washy, they don't want to call out the behaviors of Extreme Couponers for fear of alienating them, and they don't want to be perceived as Extreme Couponers because you, the reader, will be turned off. So in this instance, you are either on the bus or you are off the bus.
At this time, I want to relate a real world story. Before we started couponing, we were hitting Zero or negative on our budget. Today, we are able to save a couple hundred bucks. Yep, that's about it. We are working on other budget issues. In other words, couponing does not drive us, we use coupons to help defray other expenses. We realize savings, not resale profits.
The issue of stockpiling we have is with the concept of stockpiling. It essentially means hoarding. We don't have a stockpile, we have our normal household items in normal quantities (one plus a back-up) and we use our savings to defray other expenses. We do not go buy more stuff for the sake of buying more stuff.
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Nathan's Hot Dogs Deal | Walmart Special April 2011
This deal is only available through the end of today. We confirmed the deal yesterday at Walmart buy actually purchasing it.
First go get the Kroger circular. Take note of the Nathans Hot Dogs Buy One Get One Free offer (valued up to $4.99). Nathans are the BEST hot dogs and are all meat - no fillers.
Take the circular up to Walmart and buy two packs of Nathans. We have two kids and Hubby eats hot dogs on the grill all the time! Chicago Style! (that would be with slices of pickle, hot mustard, tabasco sauce, ketchup, jalapenos)
Back to the deal, take the hot dogs and the circular up to the register. If you are shopping in the Flowood area, you will pay $3.88 per pack and get the Buy One Get One Free offer. That is $1.94 a piece or up to $4.00 off the regular price (67% savings).
It does not get any better than this and just in time for Summer cookouts.
Reselling Items | Coupon Hoarder's and their Stockpile
This post was originally published at our other blog, however, it was lost in the hack and we firmly believe that it is important to disseminate this knowledge to couponers everywhere.
"Extreme Couponers" engage in hoarding behavior. One does not have to look further than the 70 mustards, 15 packs of gum, years of baby diapers (and has no kids), years supply of dishwasher detergent (and doesn't have a dishwasher).
These behaviors are ruining it for the Family Couponers and the Everyday Couponer. Retailers are serious about curbing these people through many different options, including banning coupons.
"Extreme Couponers" engage in hoarding behavior. One does not have to look further than the 70 mustards, 15 packs of gum, years of baby diapers (and has no kids), years supply of dishwasher detergent (and doesn't have a dishwasher).
These behaviors are ruining it for the Family Couponers and the Everyday Couponer. Retailers are serious about curbing these people through many different options, including banning coupons.
Monday, May 2, 2011
Modern Savings | Establishing a Monthly Budget
Modern Family's Budgeting
I have heard from a number of people about providing some simple ideas for managing your household budget. Couponing while it will save you money on your grocery bills, your health and beauty spending, it is only a part of a larger budget that is your Household Budget.
There are a few things to start out with and are fixed expenses:
Next, add up all your income. Once you have this all added up, it is time to figure out what you have left over for the month to deal with other expenses. In a few days, I will post a bit more on how to manage
the disposable portion (savings vs. spending).
Now that you have all of this, go learn how to use a spreadsheet on your computer. This helps tremendously to establish your budget and track it. If you like, you can download the Modern Family Monthly Budget Template for free.
The elements above for the most part are fixed, but there are several things you can investigate to bring down those expenses.
I have heard from a number of people about providing some simple ideas for managing your household budget. Couponing while it will save you money on your grocery bills, your health and beauty spending, it is only a part of a larger budget that is your Household Budget.
There are a few things to start out with and are fixed expenses:
- Mortgage/Rent
- Insurance (Home/Auto)
- Car Payment
- Utilities (water/power/gas/trash)
- Media (phone/Internet/cable)
Next, add up all your income. Once you have this all added up, it is time to figure out what you have left over for the month to deal with other expenses. In a few days, I will post a bit more on how to manage
the disposable portion (savings vs. spending).
Now that you have all of this, go learn how to use a spreadsheet on your computer. This helps tremendously to establish your budget and track it. If you like, you can download the Modern Family Monthly Budget Template for free.
The elements above for the most part are fixed, but there are several things you can investigate to bring down those expenses.
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